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就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [104美國直購] Silhouette Studio Designer Edition Software Card for Scrapbooking $1459
[104美國直購] Silhouette Studio Designer Edition Software Card for Scrapbooking $1459
[104美國直購] Silhouette Studio Designer Edition Software Card for Scrapbooking $1459

Enhanced rhinestone and sketch features
Import .svg files
Creative knife and eraser tool
Product Details
Product Dimensions: 4 x 3 x 0.1 inches ; 0.2 ounces
Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces
Item model number: SILH-STUDIO-DE
Product Description
This card contains a scratch-off license key code redeemable for an upgrade to Silhouette Studio Designer Edition. This is the perfect gift card for the Silhouette enthusiast in your life. Silhouette Studio Designer Edition is the version of the Silhouette software made especially for designers. The Designer Edition includes more features to help designers import their own artwork as well as create new designs for use with Silhouette products. Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8, Mac OS X 10.5.8 and higher. Silhouette Studio Designer Edition contains all the same functionality as Silhouette Studio plus the following designer features: Ability to open, manipulate and cut .svg files Rhinestone tools to convert designs into rhinestone templates and create your own rhinestone designs Sketch tools to convert designs into several styles of sketchable art Creative knife tools to allow you to clip designs using different patterns Enhanced eraser set to modify designs with more precision Built-in ruler and guide lines for precise alignment and drawing.

[104美國直購] Silhouette Studio Designer Edition Software Card for Scrapbooking $1459

相關 [104美國直購] Silhouette Studio Designer Edition Software Card for Scrapbooking $1459
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中壢練劍時間 星期5晚上19~21 星期天早上
[104美國直購] Silhouette Studio Designer Edition Software Card for Scrapbooking $1459