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[104美國直購] eSpanishTeacher's Beginner Spanish Language Course Software Lessons with Bonus 101 Spanish Verbs $829
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Product Features
Interactive Spanish language lessons that you watch on your computer. Watch, Listen, Click, Speak!
Works on any PC or Mac, no internet connection required, nothing to install, no malware, no spyware, and no ads!
Virtually no memorization. Start speaking Spanish after the first few lessons, faster than other language programs
12 lessons, 12 quizzes, and 8 speaking practices contained on an interactive CD for your computer
100% money-back and satisfaction guarantee. People LOVE this course! And for a limited time, 101 Spanish Verbs is included as a free gift with Beginner Spanish. Trust the expert teacher--eSpanishTeacher
Product Details
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.8 ounces
Date first available at Amazon.com: November 14, 2014
Product Description
'I love eSpanishTeacher's Beginner Spanish. Having tried two other well-known courses, I'm now more than half way through Beginner Spanish and am learning much more compared to the others.' -Paul S., Texas
What if you could be speaking Spanish after just 30-60 minutes of instruction? With eSpanishTeacher's Beginner Spanish course you can learn Spanish from the convenience of your computer, save money, and start speaking in minutes.
eSpanishTeacher's Beginner Spanish utilizes the EXPLAIN, DEMONSTRATE, SIMULATE instruction model. Simply insert the disc into your computer and begin learning through a series of interactive language lessons taught by a real Spanish teacher. Listen, watch, and interact with eSpanishTeacher himself as he helps you understand the Spanish language from start to finish. Following each lesson, you'll practice what you have learned by actually speaking out loud in Spanish. Move at your own pace and start speaking in no time!
This course develops speaking skills that will serve as your foundation in the Spanish language. Each lesson contains a short quiz to ensure you are understanding what is being taught. Then you'll progress to the 8 speaking practices to verbalize what you are studying.
Emphasis is placed on:
-Subjects & verbs
-Grammar and how to form sentences
-Asking and responding to questions in Spanish
-Number & gender agreement
-Speaking exercises
-Learn the language structure and you'll never have to memorize anything!
Learn to speak Spanish for a fraction of what other language programs cost. This is the best value Spanish language software on the market today and for a limited time we'll include our 101 Spanish Verbs course as a free gift, offering even more vocal practice exercises using the most common Spanish verbs.
[104美國直購] eSpanishTeacher's Beginner Spanish Language Course Software Lessons with Bonus 101 Spanish Verbs $829
相關 [104美國直購] eSpanishTeacher's Beginner Spanish Language Course Software Lessons with Bonus 101 Spanish Verbs $829
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[104美國直購] eSpanishTeacher's Beginner Spanish Language Course Software Lessons with Bonus 101 Spanish Verbs $829