平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Director Suite 5
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[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Director Suite 5
[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Director Suite 5
Director Suite 5 includes PowerDirector 15 Ultimate, PhotoDirector 8 Ultra, AudioDirector 7 & ColorDirector 5, providing you complete video & photo editing tools.
PowerDirector 15 Ultimate: Now supports end-to-end 360 Degree video editing, and all new video blending feature will bring unique impact to your videos.
PhotoDirector 8 Ultra : All new features including video-to-photo, merging multiple images, and face & body beautification tools.
AudioDirector 7 gives you total control over the editing, mixing, and mastering of your video's soundtrack, sound effects, and even dialogue.
ColorDirector 5 is pro-level color grading software. It features innovative motion tracking for regional color adjustment.
Product description
Platform:PC Disk | Edition:Director Suite
Director Suite 5 is a total solution for media creation. It includes four award-winning applications - PowerDirector 15, ColorDirector 5, AudioDirector 7 and PhotoDirector 8, offering the most complete, video and photo editing solution for advanced enthusiasts. With round-trip-editing support, the four applications in Director Suite work seamlessly with each other, providing a smooth and highly efficient post-production environment.
Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 1.2 x 7.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces
Item model number: DRS-E500-RPM0-00
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[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Director Suite 5