
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] 適配器 Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter P3Q-00001


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[106美國直購] 適配器 Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter P3Q-00001


[106美國直購] 適配器 Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter P3Q-00001



Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter

Wirelessly project what's on your tablet, laptop, or smartphone to your big screen

Enjoy movies, personal videos, photos, games, websites, and even PowerPoint presentations on your HDTV

Modernize your meetings by displaying business applications, Office documents, videos and websites through a conference room projector or monitor.

Simply plug into an HDTV, connect, then wirelessly mirror or extend your screen

Snap the ends together to pack and travel. Compatible with Miracast enabled Windows 10/Windows 8.1 devices. Not compatible with Surface RT.

From the Manufacturer

Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter v2

See it All on Your Big Screen

Share what’s on your tablet, laptop, smartphone* or Surface onto an HDTV or monitor with Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter. Stream movies, view personal photos, or display a presentation on a big screen – all wirelessly.

Modernize Your Meetings

Project your ideas and collaborate in real time by plugging the Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter into a conference room projector or monitor. You can even ink in PowerPoint to emphasize a point and make that big screen your collective workspace.

Easily Connect

Just plug the USB and HDMI from the Wireless Display Adapter into your HDTV or monitor, connect, then mirror or extend your screen and enjoy. The Wireless Display Adapter delivers a reliable connection with up to a 23-foot range.

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Miracast Technology

The Wireless Display Adapter uses Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Miracast technology, so you’re not limited to certain apps or content streaming; you can display everything from your device on an HDTV or monitor.

Supported Operating Systems Surface devices including Surface book/Surface Pro 4 Surface 3/Surface Pro 3/Surface 2/Surface Pro/and Surface Pro 2, and other Miracast enabled Windows 10/Windows 8.1 devices and Android 4.2 / 4.4.2 / 4.4.4 / 5.0. Full functionality not available with non HDCP devices.

Color Black

Dimensions Adapter: 419x22x11mm (including cable length 300mm), Extension Cable: 100x22x26.5mm

Cable Length Adapter: 11.8’’ (300mm), Extension Cable: 6.26’’ (159mm)

*All Miracast enabled Windows 10 and Windows 8 tablets/laptops/phones and Android devices with 4.2 and later. Internet access not required for use. 2 Ensure the latest Windows updates are installed. Miracast enabled Android devices 4.2 and later. Full functionality not available with non HDCP devices. If a device was originally pre-installed with a prior version of Windows (Windows 10, Windows 8), please contact the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) to confirm if it is Miracast enabled.

The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Logo is a certification mark of Wi-Fi Alliance.

Product Description

Style:Wireless Display Adapter

Share what's on your tablet, laptop, or smartphone on an HDTV or monitor with the Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter. Stream movies, view personal photos, or display a presentation on a big screen - all wirelessly. It uses Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Miracast technology, so you're not limited to certain apps or content streaming; you can display everything from your device. The Wireless Display Adapter is also an Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) certified adapter and works with 2-in-1s and tablet devices with Intel WiDi capability. Just plug the USB and HDMI from the Wireless Display Adapter into your HDTV or monitor, connect, then mirror or extend your screen and enjoy.

Product Information

Style:Wireless Display Adapter

Technical Details

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Other Technical Details

Brand Name Microsoft

Item model number P3Q-00001

Item Weight 1.1 ounces

Product Dimensions 0.9 x 15.9 x 0.4 inches

Item Dimensions L x W x H 0.87 x 15.88 x 0.43 inches


[106美國直購] 適配器 Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter P3Q-00001

相關 [106美國直購] 適配器 Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter P3Q-00001





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[106美國直購] 適配器 Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter P3Q-00001


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